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  • Chronic Pain Management for Pets | Leadon Vale Stem Cell Centre

    Stem Cell therapy can help your pet enjoy exercise and reduce the need for painkilling medication

Managing Your Pet's Chronic Pain

We care about your pet’s quality of life and we want to support managing their chronic pain.

There could be many reasons for chronic pain, whether your pet has recently had surgery and their healing. They may be a senior pet and be suffering from joint pain and arthritis, or maybe they have a disease that makes them uncomfortable. By addressing the reason for your pet’s pain, we can move forward with the best option for them. Let's start chronic pain management for pets as son as possible so your pets can live a happier life.

We have a multi-modal approach to therapy involving medical therapy including the latest analgesic medications; joint injections, acupuncture, electrotherapies such as shockwave, laser,  or ultrasound therapy, and physical therapies such as massagephysiotherapy, and chiropractic. A lot of our services can work well alongside each other too.

With our treatments, there may be some need to adapt your pet’s lifestyle and implement new practices into their (and your) routine. This could be exercises at home, or regular sessions of acupuncture or laser therapy treatments. For the best results, we may recommend booking in for so many sessions across a course of time and then assessing where to move forward based on your pet's responce. Speak to our specialist vets about your pet's unique conditions and they will discuss in more detail, the necessary steps. Come to Stem Cell Vets for chronic pain management for pets!

We regularly treat dogs and cats and a whole variety of other species from rabbits to birds to improve their quality of life and maintain the joy of movement.

Click here to read about Chronic Pain Management for Dogs.

For referrals and advice, contact us here.

Book Appointment  

chronic pain management

Leadon Vale Stem Cell Centre

Lower Road Trading Estate





Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01531 632276

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Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 7:00pm

Saturday: 8:30am - 1:00pm

Bank Holidays: Closed - Emergencies only

24 Hour Emergency: 01531 632276