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  • Pet Sports Medicine | Leadon Vale Vets Centre

    Stem Cell therapy can help your pet enjoy exercise and reduce the need for painkilling medication

Pet Sports Medicine for Dogs

Pet Sports medicine is a new and growing area of veterinary science involving the holistic care of sports or working dogs.At Leadon Vale, we treat pets for injuries, and pain management with our therapies that aim to recover active dogs and other pets with certain conditions.

These highly active dogs benefit from regular health checks with reviews of general health, diet, and musculoskeletal health. Issues of poor performance or injury are addressed by our professional team; Vet Rachel Mowbray, Physiotherapist Fiona and Chiropractor Emma.

Sports Medicine Assessment

Assessment of conformation and movement of puppies is recommended to set them up for a successful active lifestyle; so they develop in a balanced way to help prevent future injury. Regular checks of adult dogs help to identify any small injuries before they become a chronic condition.

Our physiotherapists and rehabilitation therapists aim to investigate and diagnose diseases and find the most appropriate plan for treating your pet. By integrating exercises into your dog’s routine, preferably as soon as possible, we can put them on the road to recovery. Our sports medicine services can involve the regenerative therapies Leadon Vale offers, including Physiotherapyshockwave,  Acupuncture, Chiropractic or other treatments that your vet will advise after assessment.

We can also advise on fitness programs and exercises for body conditioning tailored to the individual athlete.

Get in touch for more information.

 pet sports medicine

Book Appointment  

Leadon Vale Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Centre

Lower Road Trading Estate





Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01531 632276

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Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 7:00pm

Saturday: 8:30am - 1:00pm

Bank Holidays: Closed - Emergencies only

24 Hour Emergency: 01531 632276